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Image by Drew Beamer


'A circular economy is a bigger idea than incrementally reducing the harm of our current model'

Ellen Macarthur Foundation

circular principles

Unlike a linear economy model, the concept of a circular economy is that economic activity builds and rebuilds overall system health.


Our framework relies on three basic principles.



Re-using gear is the most direct way of keeping it in circulation for it's maximum lifecyle. Second-hand should become the new 'new' 



It is all too easy to ditch a 'broken' product and buy new these days. We need to bring back repair and keep our treasured items going for longer to reduce their impact and  the need to buy more stuff.



Our attitude to ownership perpetuates consumerism which in turn causes massive environmental damage. If we were to share our outdoor gear more we need not all purchase an item we use for one day a year. 


'increasing the product lifecycle of an item by nine months can reduce its waste, water and carbon footprints by up to 30%'

WRAP -Valuing our clothes

A CIRCULAr approach to outdoor gear

The flowchart below is a simple guide to start implementing circular economy principles of re-use, repair and sharing into your end-of-life and purchasing decisions.

Outdoor Kit  - A Circular Framework.png
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